Quick Start

Getting your Account

Create an account at https://computation.phoenix.global/. Then you can get the api token through the registered account.

Making your first request

First, you need to use your account and password to generate a token, which can be used as the request header of other requests so that the system can determine the user's identity.

Generating token.

POST https://www.phoenix.global/sdk/computation/user/genToken

Generate a new token.

Request Body

    "code": 200,
    "msg": "success",
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJMUzI1NiIsInP5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJDbWFpbCI6IjExMUBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE2NzgyNjYxNjh9.lrJKrtpUokcRXbE1XgZDHk5xuv4k92b4_ppY5rYpgEk"

Good to know: The token is valid within 60 minutes and needs to be regenerated after it expires.

Take a look at how you might call this method using our official Golang SDK v1.0.1, or via curl:

curl --location 'https://www.phoenix.global/sdk/computation/user/genToken' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "email": "xxxxxx@xxx.com",
  "passwd": "xxxxxxxxxxxx"